Why do we get triggered? PDF Version
Why do we get triggered? PDF Version
Why do we get triggered? PDF Version
Why do we get triggered? PDF Version
Why do we get triggered? PDF Version
Why do we get triggered? PDF Version

Why do we get triggered? PDF Version

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Do your clients want control over their 'triggered' responses? The term 'triggered' is commonly used in popular media and within conversations. But how much do people really know about what it means to be 'triggered'? This set of 6 colorful handouts provides a comprehensive explanation of the underlying brain and body functions involved in causing and perpetuating 'triggered' reactions. 

When we become 'triggered' we can react in excessive and harmful ways. Responses that may have been beneficial in childhood, may no longer serve us in adult life. Whether it is thunderous rage, disproportionate anger, exaggerated fear or total collapse and shame, 'triggered' reactions are distressing and uncomfortable. This handout set gives a thorough explanation of: 

  • The thinking brain and the emotional brain
  • What happens in our brain during a traumatic event
  • The impact of childhood, relational trauma
  • Common situations in which an interpersonal trauma response may develop
  • How traumatic memories are stored
  • The nature of traumatic memory
  • How traumatic memory can be unexpectedly triggered
  • Fight, flight and freeze 'triggered' reactions (within interpersonal relationships)
  • Identifying common triggers
  • Bringing awareness to 'triggered' states
  • Learning to regulate once 'triggered'
  • Identify the origins of triggers
  • Limited re-parenting with childhood trauma

Assist clients to identify their triggers and heal the wounds that underly their traumatic reactions. Our visual resources are great as take-home prompts and clients appreciate our interesting pictorial depictions. Tap into psychoeducation and enhance client outcomes with catchy clever visuals. 

Also available in quality hardcopies.