Cycle of Narcissistic Abuse

Cycle of Narcissistic Abuse

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R 286.00
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R 286.00
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The topic of narcissism has fast gained increasing interest over the last few years. So much so, conversations about narcissism and terms like gaslighting are becoming issues commonly discussed with friends and within people's homes.

This handout explains the pattern of narcissistic abuse commonly experienced by people in a relationship with someone who possess' strong narcissistic traits. Individuals commonly present to therapy highly distressed, not understanding how their partner who not long ago made romantic promises of a life together has now unexpectedly vanished. This handout aims to educate clients about the complex interplay of intense stages seen within toxic unstable relationships. Unfortunately, they are not alone. Comfort can be found in the knowledge that this destructive and painful relationship cycle has a pattern and can be understood within a psychological framework. 

This handout out comes in a A4 full colour Notepad (with 25 sheets).

Introduce the concept of narcissistic behaviour with this catchy visual resource. Great for clients to take home, consolidating important therapy teachings. Engage clients in difficult conversations with these colourful visual resources. 

 Check out the Understanding Narcissism Bundle (contains 5 unique handouts).