This 30-card set is designed to assist children and teens to build the skills, internal resilience and confidence to deal with and stop bullies. The colorful and striking illustrations give visual representations of strategies that are recommended by Psychologists to combat bullying in schools and in social circles. No More Bullies is a wonderful tool suitable for all parents who wish to talk about bullying with their children and discuss realistic strategies and skills that can be used to deal with bullying. Professionals including counsellors, youth workers, and teachers can also greatly benefit from having a resource which will help them talk through strategies to cope with bullying.
Topics addressed in No More Bullies include (30 A5 Cue Cards):
- What is bullying?
- What skills can we use to deal with and stop bullying such as:
- Ignoring, walking away or telling someone
- How to address and/or respond to bullies and take away their power
- Getting support and gaining confidence
- Why do people bully and how might we help them stop?
- What NOT to do when faced with bullies
Addressing bullying is extremely important especially considering the detrimental effects it can have on a person's mental health, confidence and future relationships. This card set gives professionals and parents alike the tools to engage children and teens in a meaningful conversation about bullying, giving essential skills and knowledge to combat bullying.